Staff & Laboratory List

Environmental Engineering Course

The Environmental Engineering Course deals with approaches to solving environmental issues both in Japan and throughout the world, from the micro- to macro-scale level. Through understanding basic environmental issues and analyzing how to solve a problem independently, this course enhances the student’s ability to solve various environmental issues. The pillars of this course are environmental science (science related to nature, Earth, and ecology), environmental systems (policy, environmental risk management, and energy management as global warming countermeasures), environmental design (urban/city planning and smart cities), and environmental materials (environmentally friendly manufacturing). The course is aimed at developing individuals with the diverse knowledge and expertise needed to become future leaders in international organizations, governmental organizations, or perhaps the manufacturing industry.

Sustainable Urban Planning

Sustainable Urban Planning

Urban Planning / Urban Design / Urban System Analysis / Sustainable Society / Symbiosis with Nature and Society / History / Culture / Landscape

Our goal is to achieve sustainable urban development where the natural environment and human society coexist harmoniously. To accomplish this, we aim to gain insights into the relationship between humans, the environment, and nature, unravel the mechanisms of urban spaces and environments, and explore planning and design methodologies. By doing so, we strive to foster a sustainable urban environment that supports the coexistence of nature and human society.

Environmental Design and Information Technology

Environmental Design and Information Technology

Environmental Design / Information and Communication Technology / Civil and Building Engineering Informatics

The Environmental Design and Information Technology laboratory develops new environmental design methodologies that allow us to systematically organize the relationships among humans, artificial objects, and the natural world, deploying advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) to create new environments based on the implementation of this ICT.

Urban Energy System

Urban Energy System

Energy demand management / Energy demand modelling / Smart grid / Urban energy metabolism

The energy-demand side is vitally important when analyzing our energy system. The main themes explored within this laboratory include urban energy metabolism, heat system performance, the modeling and management of energy demand, and the active utilization of energy demand in smart grids.

Engineering for Assessing the Sustainable Environment

Engineering for Assessing the Sustainable Environment

Atmospheric environment / Water environment / Indoor air environment / Environmental dynamics / Numerical simulation

We perform impact assessment research related to the effects of human activities on both our lives and the ecosystems, with the aim of seeking effective measures for achieving a sustainable environment. Our research is based on three principles: monitoring, modeling, and management.

Bio-Environmental Engineering

Bio-Environmental Engineering

Biological Wastewater Treatment / Bioremediation / Resource & Energy Recovery

The Bio-Environmental Engineering laboratory focuses on the development of technologies/systems for environmental conservation and purification as well as the recovery of energy and resources through exploiting the capacities of microorganisms, plants, and other biological entities.

Environmental Management

Environmental Management

Risk analysis and management / Environmental planning / Sustainability design

The Environmental Management laboratory is engaged in environmental systems and engineering research activities, which support the technology-based decision making of governments, industries, and the public sector in relation to the problems and challenges faced by a highly technological society.

  • Akihiro TOKAI

    Akihiro TOKAI

  • Toyohiko NAKAKUBO

    Associate Professor
    Toyohiko NAKAKUBO

Green Engineering for Global Environment

Green Engineering for Global Environment

Sustainability / Ecosystem services / Climate change / Biodiversity

The main research theme of the Green Engineering (GE) lab is the “sustainable use of ecosystem services for establishing a natural symbiotic society.” Global-scale environmental problems such as global warming and biodiversity loss, caused by the consumption of natural resources and energy, are of major concern in terms of global, regional, and local sustainability. To understand complex global issues, it is necessary to consider the natural environment and human society as a holistic ecosystem and to analyze the flow and stock of energy and materials seamlessly within the system. The GE lab aims to study and design a society integrated within the natural environment from an ecological viewpoint and to provide education in terms of interdisciplinary collaborations.

Carbon Neutral Engineering

Integrated Environmental Studies

Energy management / decarbonised society / smart grids / decentralised energy resources

Our laboratory focuses on developing technologies to address challenges in achieving a carbon-neutral society, particularly in the electric power sector. We aim to construct smart grids that facilitate the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources like photovoltaic power generation and electric vehicles.

  • Shinya YOSHIZAWA

    Associate Professor
    Shinya YOSHIZAWA

Environmental Materials

Environmental Materials

3D Printer / Geometric Design / Resource Circulation

Using three-dimensional industrial-use printers, artificial fish reefs with environmental affinities and petrous indoor walls for atmospheric control (biotope implants) are fabricated on investigation phases from the mineral slags or inorganic shells discharged from industrial processes related to steel refinement or food production (relict resources).

  • Soshu KIRIHARA

    Soshu KIRIHARA

Smart Green Processing

Smart Green Processing

Hazardous substance-free process / Fine Particle Syntheses / Nano-and Micro-Joining / Self-Assembly

We are developing process technologies that greatly reduce environmental impact. Focusing particularly on the fine particle process, we are pursuing the green synthesis of fine particles including nanoparticles and the development of new methodologies for joining and assembling the fine particles as designed.

Integrated Environmental Studies (NIES cooperative area)

Integrated Environmental Studies

Chemical management / Environmental risk assessment / Substance flow analysis / Waste management and recycling/ Disaster and emergency response / Information infrastructure

To promote risk management through the life cycle of chemical substances, we develop methodologies and information infrastructure for understanding flow, stock, environmental emissions, and environmental fates of chemical substances. We also develop methods for assessing, managing, and decreasing environmental risks of chemical substances emitted due to disasters and/or accidents.

  • Yoshitaka IMAIZUMI

    Visiting Professor
    Yoshitaka IMAIZUMI

  • Masahiro OGUCHI

    Visiting Professor
    Masahiro OGUCHI

  • Akihiro TOKAI

    Akihiro TOKAI

  • Toyohiko NAKAKUBO

    Associate Professor
    Toyohiko NAKAKUBO

Quantum Energy Engineering Course

Energy takes form in terms of light, electricity, chemicals, machine, nuclear energy, and heat, and to understand, manufacture, convert, and apply it, it is important to have a broad knowledge of areas such as physics and chemistry. The Quantum Energy Engineering Course encompasses the basic sciences, which provide the foundation for studying the methodologies for working on various energy-related research topics. The pillars of this course are quantum energy (nuclear fission and nuclear fusion), nuclear power technology (front-end and back-end), laser beam engineering (medical applications and radiation usage), and material science (energy conversion materials, biomaterials). The course aims to create individuals with strong basic knowledge and strong expertise who could become actively involved in research institutes or the manufacturing industry.

Quantum Beam and Biomaterials Engineering

Quantum Beam and Biomaterials Engineering

Biological effects of radiation/ Irradiation effects on polymers/ Magnetic separation/ Decontamination/ Biological measurement

Our laboratory aims to resolve the issues related to energy, the environment, and welfare through the use of radiation technology, magnetic force control technology, and bioinstrumentation. The main themes are as follows: 1) exploring and evaluating the effects of radiation on materials, biomaterials, and the environment; 2) exploring environmental purification, resource recovery, and minimally invasive treatment; and 3) improving the quality of life of humans through the use of bioinstrumentation.

Energy and Environmental Materials

Energy and Environmental Materials

Thermoelectric material / Nuclear fuels / Heat storage material / Heat insulation material / Molten materials

With the aim of achieving a sustainable society and resolving the energy issues, we conduct research on the functional materials used for thermal management, which includes thermoelectric materials, nuclear fuels, heat storage materials, heat insulation materials, and molten materials.

Nuclear Social Engineering

Nuclear Social Engineering

Nuclear Reactor Physics / Probabilistic Risk Assessment

To ensure that the use of nuclear reactors is safer and more economical, we have been developing more reliable management methods for equipment operation and new types of nuclear reactors through experimental research and computer simulation.

Medical Beam Physics

Medical Beam Physics

Optical diagnosis and therapy / Photo dynamic therapy / Optical properties of biological tissues / Laser ionization mass spectrometry

We are developing novel techniques for medical diagnoses, therapy, and biological analyses using light apparatus, including lasers, on the basis of tissue optics, photobiology, and laser engineering. The aim is to develop individuals with a profound understanding of both the engineering and the medical fields.

Quantum System Engineering

Quantum System Engineering

Nuclear and fusion reactor engineering / Liquid metal / Heat and mass transfer

We undertake research and education activities related to the safety of energy systems and new energy system concepts. At present, our main concern is conducting experimental and numerical studies on hydrodynamics and heat transfer in relation to liquid metal energy systems, as well as the evaluation of accidental phenomena and energy conversion systems.

Nuclear Engineering Chemistry

Nuclear Engineering Chemistry

Back-end Chemistry / Recycle Chemistry / Solution Chemistry / Isotope Chemistry

To achieve the safe chemical processing of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive waste, we conduct research on the chemical behavior of actinides and fission product elements in various electrolyte solutions.

Quantum Reaction Engineering

Quantum Reaction Engineering

Radiation physics and engineering for advanced medical and industrial applications / Neutron engineering studies for nuclear fusion reactor (fusion neutronics) and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)

We study radiation physics and engineering for advanced medical and industrial applications. In 1981, we constructed OKTAVIAN, the world’s most powerful 14 MeV neutron source facility, at Osaka University. Subsequently, neutronics (neutron engineering) studies in relation to nuclear fusion reactors and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) (a new cancer therapy) have been undertaken using OKTAVIAN.

Quantum Beam Material Process Engineering

Quantum Beam Material Process Engineering

Quantum beam induced ultrafast phenomena / Pulse radiolysis / Ultra-short electron beam

In the Quantum Beam Material Process Engineering arena, to achieve ultimate nanofabrication, the quantum-beam-induced ultrafast phenomena of materials have been investigated using femtosecond pulse radiolysis and a time-resolved electron microscope.

Applied Laser Engineering

Applied Laser Engineering

Lasers / Optical properties / New optical materials / Short-wavelength light sources / Spectroscopic measurements

Our research themes are aimed at developing new optical materials that are useful in both science and engineering. With the use of lasers and spectroscopy techniques, we investigate the optical properties of different materials. We also implement other experimental and theoretical investigations related to these materials alongside various collaborators both in and outside of Japan. Our studies on short-wavelength light-emitting materials have led to the advancement of new applications and next-generation industries.

Laser Energy Engineering

Laser Energy Engineering

Laser fusion / laser plasma / reactor technology / computational physics

We are engaged in research into laser fusion as a future principal energy source. Our research includes laser plasma diagnostics, implosion physics, the simulation of fuel pellets and their injection, power plant design, and safety. In addition, we deal with the interaction of radiation with specific optical materials in view of their application as radiation detectors, scintillators, and fusion materials.

Energy Materials Science

Laser Energy Engineering

Rechargeable batteries / fuel cells / power-to-X technologies / physical chemistry / electrochemistry

Aiming to solve energy problems, we are developing materials and devices for energy storage, energy conversion, and electrosynthesis. Specifically, we are exploring new materials and reactions, analyzing reaction mechanisms, establishing new theories, and developing new devices.