Kan-Ene Topics! 環エネTOPICS!



Position: Assistant Professor
Degree:   Doctor of Engineering
Laboratory:      Sustainable Environmental Design, Urban Environmental Design
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Town planning utilize local resources such as community history and culture

Local natural and social environments influence the characteristics of towns, such as how houses are built, the structures of the towns, and their landscapes. In addition, invisible factors such as civic pride and traditional cultures also increase the attractiveness of towns. However, the continuation of local industries and traditional cultures is in danger, because of the diversification of lifestyles and the lack of people continuing them. Therefore, I study the importance and sustainability of local resources for local revitalization.

Conservation and utilization of cultural landscapes

A cultural landscape is defined as a landscape that reflects the local people’s lives and livelihoods. To preserve cultural landscapes, it is necessary to inherit the traditional lifestyles and local industrial systems. Therefore, I study planning methods of preserving cultural landscapes in consideration of the local traditional rules.


  1. 店舗へのコンバージョンが歴史的市街地の保全と活性化に与える影響-中国・武漢市タンファリン歴史的街区を事例に-,松本邦彦,澤木昌典,公益社団法人日本都市計画学会都市計画論文集,Vol.52, No.3, pp.1226-1231,2017年10月,学術論文
  2. 重要文化的景観選定後の保存体制における住民活動組織,松本邦彦,坂井亮文,澤木昌典,日本造園学会ランドスケープ研究,Vol. 80, No.5, pp.553-558,2017年04月,学術論文
  3. 歴史的風致維持向上計画における歴史的資源の位置づけに関する研究,松本 邦彦,朴 弘烈,澤木 昌典,日本造園学会 ランドスケープ研究,Vol. 79 No.5 635-640,2016年04月,学術論文
  4. 松本邦彦(分担執筆),小さな空間から都市をプランニングする,日本都市計画学会 都市空間のつくり方研究会編,2019年04月


  1. 公益社団法人日本造園学会 平成29年度奨励賞(研究論文部門)
  2. 公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 平成21年度論文奨励賞