
About us

 Toward realizing a carbon-neutral society, the electric power sector is undergoing a major transformation driven by the growing utilization of renewable energy sources and advancements in electric vehicle technology. Regardless of urban or rural areas, energy usage patterns have significantly changed, highlighting numerous challenges that we need to address. 
 Our laboratory is engaged in research aimed at developing technologies to solve social issues toward the realization of a carbon-neutral society from the perspective of both energy demand and supply, with the goal of “constructing smart grids that facilitate the mass adoption of distributed energy resources such as photovoltaic power generation and electric vehicles.” Since realizing a carbon-neutral society is a global goal, we are also engaged in international research projects and exchange programs in cooperation with educational and research institutions in Japan and abroad. Through these research activities, we will contribute to developing the next generation of human resources who will lead a sustainable future.

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環境エネルギー工学専攻 共生エネルギーシステム学講座

カーボンニュートラル工学領域 芳澤研究室

〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2-1 AR棟5階526室

Yoshizawa Laboratory
Carbon Neutral Engineering Laboratory

Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

#526 AR Bldg, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871

Copyright © Yoshizawa Laboratory